quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011
Romantic Quote of Movie City of Angels
"I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it."
"Prefiro ter sentido seu cabelo uma vez, ter lhe beijado a boca uma vez, ter tocado sua mão uma vez, do que passar a eternidade sem isso!"
Below, another very interesting scene of chapter 21 the movie City of
terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011
I liked this sentences:
They can take our lives, but they can never take our freedom. (Filme Coração Valente).
You can't lost someone you're never had. (Filme como perder um homem em 10 dias).
You can't lost someone you're never had. (Filme como perder um homem em 10 dias).
Hi! Class,
This site have the practice to conversation.
See you soon.
This site have the practice to conversation.
See you soon.
domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011
Summary Weekend Telma .... (Inglês para Todos)
My weekend starts on saturday. I wake in the moring and put on the coffee table, I start right after lunch to advance, to take time off to study and watch the soap opera of 6 hours. on sunday, i wake up early to go to church, i go back when over for finish lunch, telecine premium watch with my famaly... what is the best hours of the weekend, and sleep early to wake up well on monday morning. Bjs... summary of the my weekend (Telma).
sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011
Hi! class
This is a complete group of the exercises to help us.
This is a complete group of the exercises to help us.
terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2011
My dream weekend
My perfect weekend begins on Saturday when I can sleep later. Acoording nine o'clock and my husban serves a full breakfast. After breakfast spend the rest of the morning playing with my daughter. After two hours and we go out Shopping. At about nineteen hours looking for a place to dine. Woke up early on Sunday for the benefit day at the beach. In the evening the five hours back home and we watch a movie on TV. The twenty two hours to sleep all sought to organize and start a new week.
My perfect weekend begins on Saturday when I can sleep later. Acoording nine o'clock and my husban serves a full breakfast. After breakfast spend the rest of the morning playing with my daughter. After two hours and we go out Shopping. At about nineteen hours looking for a place to dine. Woke up early on Sunday for the benefit day at the beach. In the evening the five hours back home and we watch a movie on TV. The twenty two hours to sleep all sought to organize and start a new week.
segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011
My favorite sentence
Never let anyone tell you that you can not do a thing, even I -
Film the pursuit of happiness
domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011
Hi Guys!
To enjoy the final on Sunday and practice Englisgh, I suggest the music "Talkinf The Moon of Bruno Mars". It is beautiful !. Site: youtube.com/watch?=vx56-qxCxrB4
quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011
Forum 2
The weekend of my dreams
After one week of these, with very work and study.In the friday night, I will go to my friend birthday Joelma at 7. I will drink a little and to dance very, because I rarely leave. I would like to arrive at home after of the midnight. On Saturday, I wake up late, after of the 9 a.m. I go out to the fitness center, to thresh and to do massage.I like to do massage, it' s relaxing.I will go lunch after moon.I will like to go Shopping with a big friend, because never again we left.We will drink usually a maquiato coffee with bread of cheese, in a bookstore. Often we watch a good movies, generally romantic comedy.I will to sleep about 21:00,because in sunday I will wake up early. I wake up before at 7 and I will go to a Farm Hotel with my mother, friends to pass the day.Whe arring we will drink a coffee of the morning,then we will fish, walk to horse, take river bathing and of pool and we will take a lot of picture.We returned in the end of the very happy after noon. I usually see tv I will sleep at 9, because I need to rest to begin a new week.
The weekend of my dreams
After one week of these, with very work and study.In the friday night, I will go to my friend birthday Joelma at 7. I will drink a little and to dance very, because I rarely leave. I would like to arrive at home after of the midnight. On Saturday, I wake up late, after of the 9 a.m. I go out to the fitness center, to thresh and to do massage.I like to do massage, it' s relaxing.I will go lunch after moon.I will like to go Shopping with a big friend, because never again we left.We will drink usually a maquiato coffee with bread of cheese, in a bookstore. Often we watch a good movies, generally romantic comedy.I will to sleep about 21:00,because in sunday I will wake up early. I wake up before at 7 and I will go to a Farm Hotel with my mother, friends to pass the day.Whe arring we will drink a coffee of the morning,then we will fish, walk to horse, take river bathing and of pool and we will take a lot of picture.We returned in the end of the very happy after noon. I usually see tv I will sleep at 9, because I need to rest to begin a new week.
Forum 2:
My ideal weekend
Saturday-stay all day at a leisure club, swimming, playing, eating. night to go to a party and dance a lot.
Sunday morning, get to a beach, a park in the afternoon and night watching film.
Forum 3:
Quote of the Dalai Lama: "Smile if you want a smile from another face."
Tatiana Bonfim
My ideal weekend
Saturday-stay all day at a leisure club, swimming, playing, eating. night to go to a party and dance a lot.
Sunday morning, get to a beach, a park in the afternoon and night watching film.
Forum 3:
Quote of the Dalai Lama: "Smile if you want a smile from another face."
Tatiana Bonfim
Pense em uma frase que você ouviu em filmes ou de pessoas famosas, em inglês, claro, e compartilhe com todos.
terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011
Ways to Handle Stress
Talk! Don't hold all your feelings within! Discuss your stressful feelings with someone you trust who will listen without being judgmental or pressuring you to their own point of view. Even if you can't change the immediate situation, talking about it helps alleviate some of the tension you may be feeling
sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011
The Father's Day
Tomorrow and always, hug your father very strong,feel his breath and fell his voice
and his desire o see you happy! Happy Father's Day!
and his desire o see you happy! Happy Father's Day!
Dia do Pai - curiosidade
A Pureza
De origem na antiga Babilonia, há mais de 4.000 anos. Um jovem chamado Elmesu moldou o primeiro cartão. Desejava sorte, saúde e longa vida a seu pai.
A exploração
Na época contemporanea os povos foram implementando em suas culturas, em datas variadas, de conformidadecom os interesses comerciais.
A esperteza
Pasmen! em 1953 ele já era global.
No Brasil aimplementação da data é atribuida ao jornalista Roberto Marinho, para incentivar as vendas do comercio e, por conseguite, o faturamento de seu jornal, isto se passou em 1953, no dia de São Joaquim.
De origem na antiga Babilonia, há mais de 4.000 anos. Um jovem chamado Elmesu moldou o primeiro cartão. Desejava sorte, saúde e longa vida a seu pai.
A exploração
Na época contemporanea os povos foram implementando em suas culturas, em datas variadas, de conformidadecom os interesses comerciais.
A esperteza
Pasmen! em 1953 ele já era global.
No Brasil aimplementação da data é atribuida ao jornalista Roberto Marinho, para incentivar as vendas do comercio e, por conseguite, o faturamento de seu jornal, isto se passou em 1953, no dia de São Joaquim.
sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011
quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2011
United States Live Radio
USliveradio.com is a site where you can listen to American live radio while you surf the internet. It has a lot of radio station.
USliveradio.com is a site where you can listen to American live radio while you surf the internet. It has a lot of radio station.
quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011
Interesting Websites
Livemocha is the world’s largest online language learning community, offering free and paid online language courses in 35 languages to more than 9 million members from 195 countries around the world. Global interest in language learning is exploding. Trade, immigration and travel are conducted across countries and continents like never before in human history. The result is a powerful desire shared by people around the world to communicate with one another and understand different cultures. Livemocha allows people around the world to help each other with language learning, and provides our community with opportunities to learn and practice new languages together. You register to participate and choose the course you want to learn. you can choose the level of the course that you want to start learning. the course has audio features and video exercises to memorize.
Internet Polyglot is dedicated to helping our members learn foreign languages by providing them a way to memorize words and their meanings. This helps your memory to grasp more information and retain it for longer time. Access to all pages is free.
Monica's Gang (originally titled Turma da Mônica in Portuguese) is a popular Brazilian comic book series. The series was created by Mauricio de Sousa, who signs his work as "Mauricio". Plots are centered on the adventures of a group of seven-year-old friends in the fictional neighborhood of "Limoeiro" in São Paulo. The neighborhood was inspired by the neighborhood of Cambuí, in Campinas and the city of Mogi das Cruzes, where de Sousa lived his childhood. Check out the comic strips, Sunday pages, special stories ans serialized comics with a new page every day. It is free.
Livemocha is the world’s largest online language learning community, offering free and paid online language courses in 35 languages to more than 9 million members from 195 countries around the world. Global interest in language learning is exploding. Trade, immigration and travel are conducted across countries and continents like never before in human history. The result is a powerful desire shared by people around the world to communicate with one another and understand different cultures. Livemocha allows people around the world to help each other with language learning, and provides our community with opportunities to learn and practice new languages together. You register to participate and choose the course you want to learn. you can choose the level of the course that you want to start learning. the course has audio features and video exercises to memorize.
Internet Polyglot is dedicated to helping our members learn foreign languages by providing them a way to memorize words and their meanings. This helps your memory to grasp more information and retain it for longer time. Access to all pages is free.
Monica's Gang (originally titled Turma da Mônica in Portuguese) is a popular Brazilian comic book series. The series was created by Mauricio de Sousa, who signs his work as "Mauricio". Plots are centered on the adventures of a group of seven-year-old friends in the fictional neighborhood of "Limoeiro" in São Paulo. The neighborhood was inspired by the neighborhood of Cambuí, in Campinas and the city of Mogi das Cruzes, where de Sousa lived his childhood. Check out the comic strips, Sunday pages, special stories ans serialized comics with a new page every day. It is free.
terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011
Young Orchestre of Bahia in Europe
Our children are good musicians. She is a pianist and he is a timpanist. We are travelling to Europe, Berlin and Switzerland for a musical excursion with the Young Orchestre of Bahia (Yoba). In Berlin this Orchestre was quite a standing ovation. We are very proud and happy. May God keep smart, healthy and happy!
Watch the story!
Watch the story!
The Weekend of my Dreams
I often stay in my home on weekends.
I wake up at eight o’clock and I have a big breakfast at eight-thirty.
On Saturdays sometimes I go to the beach with my family. On the beach I take coconut water at half past nine because the sun is very hot. I love coconut water and then I eat the coconut pulp. It’s absolutely delicious! I never stay on the beach after ten because it isn’t healthy.
I go away from the beach at ten fifteen. When I get back home I take a bath before the lunch. I have to lunch at one o’clock and then I go to the rest until three. When I stand up I go to watch a good movie with my husband.
Before dinner, at five o’clock, I wear beautiful clothes and I go to the Shopping with my husband and my grandchildren to look the shops. We eat a big pizza. Then we go to take an icecream. We stay in the Shopping until ten o’clock when it closes.
Usually I buy presents for my grandchildren or I buy some good books and new clothes or shoes when we’re in shopping.
After ten, I and my husband take a little coffee while we talking and dating until bedtime.
On Sundays during the day I stay in home studying, reading a book, cleaning my house or listening to music. At night we usually go to the church to praise and thank the Lord for many blessings during the week. I like to sing gospel music in the church. When I get back home I have to dinner with my family while we talking and laughing with happiness. Then we go to the bed for recover the energy.
Lília Falcão
News: Angela Hewitt plays Bach
Recital in Sao Paulo (2011-08-08)
The intense week of rehearsals and concerts in Sao Paulo is now over and I am packing my suitcases once more. I have enjoyed it tremendously, even if I have seen very little of the city. Every day I was driven from my hotel to the concert hall, so I suppose I saw a few scenes of life here along that route, but other than visiting some (excellent) restaurants and walking on one of the shopping streets, that was about it for sight-seeing. Next time. The concerts with the orchestra kept getting better, and then today I played Bach’s Goldberg Variations to an audience of about 600 who were all around me, and some only a few metres away on the stage. A different set-up from the orchestral concerts. I was very touched to meet some people who had travelled 2000 kilometres from Salvador in the north of the country to come and hear me. Twice I was featured on Globo television (their version of CNN), so I guess that would reach a few people as well...! Last night in the same hall, the Britten Sinfonia from England (with whom I worked last April) performed as part of their South American tour, led by Finnish violinist Pekka Kuusisto (a friend, of course, of Hannu Lintu), so we went to the concert to listen to them and see them afterwards. It’s always nice to meet up with colleagues in a place faraway from home.
The intense week of rehearsals and concerts in Sao Paulo is now over and I am packing my suitcases once more. I have enjoyed it tremendously, even if I have seen very little of the city. Every day I was driven from my hotel to the concert hall, so I suppose I saw a few scenes of life here along that route, but other than visiting some (excellent) restaurants and walking on one of the shopping streets, that was about it for sight-seeing. Next time. The concerts with the orchestra kept getting better, and then today I played Bach’s Goldberg Variations to an audience of about 600 who were all around me, and some only a few metres away on the stage. A different set-up from the orchestral concerts. I was very touched to meet some people who had travelled 2000 kilometres from Salvador in the north of the country to come and hear me. Twice I was featured on Globo television (their version of CNN), so I guess that would reach a few people as well...! Last night in the same hall, the Britten Sinfonia from England (with whom I worked last April) performed as part of their South American tour, led by Finnish violinist Pekka Kuusisto (a friend, of course, of Hannu Lintu), so we went to the concert to listen to them and see them afterwards. It’s always nice to meet up with colleagues in a place faraway from home.
My dream weekend
Forum #2 – My Dream Weekend
Friday in the evening. It starts after work, about eight o’clock p. m., with a romantic dinner beside my wonderful wife. Then we could go to a shopping to see a movie or just walking around and have an icecream.
On Saturdays we don’t need to weak up too soon, as we generally do on Mondays to Fridays at ten to six a. m. So, about nine o’clock, after breakfast, we go walking on the beach, take a sunbeathe and swimm until hlaf past tem, when we get back home to have lunch with the whole family.
We love to stay with our parents, childrens and grandchildrens. During hours we talk, laught, fight, eat a lot, play instruments and sing, view photos, take photos and have funny in group.
Thanks God we always meet on weekens and we feel delighted together.
Finally, on Sundays we usually go to the church in the evening, na during the Day we go for a drive, visiting friends and relatives, or simple stay at home reading a good book, drinking a good wine, listening na excellent music, etc.
To stay at home in peace with family is my dream weekend.
Friday in the evening. It starts after work, about eight o’clock p. m., with a romantic dinner beside my wonderful wife. Then we could go to a shopping to see a movie or just walking around and have an icecream.
On Saturdays we don’t need to weak up too soon, as we generally do on Mondays to Fridays at ten to six a. m. So, about nine o’clock, after breakfast, we go walking on the beach, take a sunbeathe and swimm until hlaf past tem, when we get back home to have lunch with the whole family.
We love to stay with our parents, childrens and grandchildrens. During hours we talk, laught, fight, eat a lot, play instruments and sing, view photos, take photos and have funny in group.
Thanks God we always meet on weekens and we feel delighted together.
Finally, on Sundays we usually go to the church in the evening, na during the Day we go for a drive, visiting friends and relatives, or simple stay at home reading a good book, drinking a good wine, listening na excellent music, etc.
To stay at home in peace with family is my dream weekend.
segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011
Brazilian championship in 2011
Which team will be the champion of the Brazilian championship in 2011?
quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011
Movie tip - Capitain America, The First Avenger

Another tip for you is a brazilian comedy. I saw Cilada.com last weekend and it was very good. Nice jokes, hilarious situations. If you wanna laugh this is a good choice.
Movie trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J3HfllvXWE&feature=related
Rogers, Steven.
Just give me a chance.
Sorry son, i'm saving your life.
General Patton was said than wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by man.
You just don't know when to give up, don't you?
I can do this all day.
Our goal is create the best army in history.
I should be go with you.
Look, I know you don't think I can do this.
This isn' about that Steven, it's war.
But all army begins with one man.
Five tries. In five different cities. I can offer you a chance.
You will be the first in a new breed of super soldiers.
Why me?
Beacuse you are a weak man. Grows the value of strikes, grows the value of power.
That wasn't so bad.
That was peniciline.
We are gonna win this war, because we have the best men.
Now mister Stark.
And they will personally escort Hitler to the gates of hell.
How do you feel?
Your test won't be simple.
Who the hell are you?
The first of many.
Your enemy is not what you expect.
You know than can't do this.
This is why you be chosen.
terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011
The weekend of my dreams
On Friday after dinner at 9 o'clock at night, I go to the disco with my friends and just want to go home after 3 o'clock in the morning. On Saturday I wake up late and after 10 a.m, I go out to the salon to take care of the visuals. After lunch, I go to the cinema to watch a beautiful movie with my husband and at 8 p.m, we go to the romantic restaurant and we will taste a delicious wine. On Sunday we wake up early at 7 a.m and we walk on the beach after we take coconut water to cure a hangover. As we often do on Sunday , we'll meet , my husband, my daughter and my brothers in-laws on breakfast that always includes eating the delicious feijoada at mother's in law home. After the noon to 2 p.m, we'll meet my mother, my brother and nephew for lunch and the afternoon we go to the stadium to see our team play and win bahia, of course! Usually I go to the mass at 7 p.m and at 8 o'clock at night we will be in bed to recharge for the new week begins.
I usually work all Day inclusive Saturdays and sometimes Sundays. So I would like a weekend to relax and have a fun at the same time. I´d like to travel to a resort and not have thinking about work. I wake up after ten o´clock and I would walk on the beach. After I have a lunch I would rest and at night I would like to have a dinner, drinking a wine and watching a show of Caetano Veloso.
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