quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011


Pense em uma frase que você ouviu em filmes ou de pessoas famosas, em inglês, claro, e compartilhe com todos.

21 comentários:

  1. If you have a dream, you have to run after him, people can not win and say you is not going to win. If you want something, go after, period. "
    The Pursuit of Happyness.

    Se você tem um sonho, tem que correr atrás dele, as pessoas não conseguem vencer e dizem que você também não vai vencer. Se você quer uma coisa, corra atrás, ponto."
    A Procura da Felicidade

  2. The most difficult to be loved, usually are the ones that most need love.
    " Love Beyond Life

  3. Hello, my class friends!

    My favority sentence is: "With great power comes a great responsibility" Do you remember this sentence? Who do it say? I like the movie that say this sentence that . I think that this sentence is very true. I always remember that.
    So be careful! If you have some power, and I know who has it. Do not forget your responsibility!

  4. "We know well the things that captivated.
    Men have no more time to understand anything.
    They buy everything ready-made in stores.
    But there aren't shops of friends, men have no more friends.
    If you want a friend, tame me!"

  5. Love sees with the heart and not with the eyes. (W. Shakespeare)

  6. What we do in life echoes in eternity
    Film ”Gladiator”

  7. By Arnold Swasnegher. I think what name is right!

  8. “While no one can go back and make a new start, anyone can start now and make a new order.” Chico Xavier.

    This phrase of the great spiritual friend Chico Xavier, makes us reflect on our attitudes toward life. Thus, important to correct the mistakes of the past is change ourselves to build a better future.

  9. "As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!"

    With Tara pillaged by Union troops and the fields untended, Scarlett vows she will do anything for the survival of her family and herself.

    Gone with the Wind (film)

  10. One of the thoughts that I like is said in the movie "TAKEN - episode 03 - High Hopes" by Allie Keys, the main character. It is about Choices. She says: "We're all standing on the edge of a cliff, all the time, every day, a cliff we're all going over. Our choice isn't about that. Our choice is about whether we want to go kicking and screaming or whether we might want to open our eyes and our hearts to what happens once we start to fall."


    1)My mama always said: life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.“Minha mãe sempre dizia: a vida é como uma caixa de chocolate. Você nunca sabe o que vai encontrar” – Forrest Gump

    2) Let’s put a smile on that face – “Vamos colocar um sorriso neste rosto” – Batmam- Cavaleiro das trevas

    3) They can take our lives, but they can never take our freedom – “ Eles podem tirar as nossas vidas mão não a nossa liberdade” – Coração Valente

    4) With great powers comes great responsability – “ Grandes poderes trazem grandes responsabilidades” – Homem Aranha

    5) What you do in life echoes in eternity – “ O que você faz nesta vida ecoa pela eternidade”. – O Gladiador

    6) Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” – “ Mantenha os amigos por perto e os seus inimigos mais perto ainda” – O poderoso Chefão

  12. While no one can go back and make a new start, anyone can start now and a new order.

    Francisco Cândido Xavier.

  13. Hello!Teacher
    I have a lot of sentences that I liked when hearing or I read.The that more likes was posted, but I will post first of my list:

    "If you have a dream he/she has to run behind him. The people that don't get to expire,say that you won't expire.If you want a thing, run behind, point ".A Procura da Felicidade

    "I cannot, everything cannot in that that strengthens me, anything and nobody in the world will make me to give up" - Celina Borges

    "To love is to want well,then have not fear of speaking that" Padre Fábio de Melo

  14. Hello teacher and classmates!
    It´s a song that I love. It´s very old!

    I have a dream
    a song to sing
    to help me cope
    with anything
    if you see the wonder
    of a fairy tale
    you can take the future
    even if you fail
    I believe in angels
    something good in
    everything I see
    I believe in angels
    when I know the time
    is right for me
    I'll cross the stream
    I have a dream



  15. I have very sentences, but it is a especial as sentences of Patricia from The Pursuit of Happyness film:
    "Never let nobody tell you can not do something, do not let me speak (his father),
    If you have a dream to protect it. When someone can not do something, she says
    that you can not. If you want something, go after point."

  16. For me, the most famous person: Jesus Christ. He said:

    "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". Jo 14:6
    "Eu sou o Caminho a Verdade e a Vida, ninguém vem ao Pai senão por mim". Jo 14:6

    Other famous person: Martin Luther King, Jr. He said:
    "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools".
    "Devemos aprender a viver juntos como irmãos ou perecer juntos como tolos. "
    (Martin Luther King)

    That's all. Kisses, Lili

  17. The world belongs to those who dare and life is "VERY" to be negligible.

    Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin

  18. Hi guys,
    I forgot another sentence that I love, sponken by Jesus Christ:
    I'll be with you every day until the end of time. Mt 28:20
    (Eu estarei com vocês todos os dias até o fim dos tempos). Mt 28:20

  19. "For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
    Carl Sagan

  20. I feel the need. The need for speed! - Top Gun
