quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

Caros colegas do curso de inglês e estimada professora; faço saudação a todos neste meu primeiro acesso. Infelizmente por problemas técnicos só pude acessar esse canal de comunicação agora! De agora em diante estarei sempre presente. abçs.

A want a Puppy - Turma da Mônica

If you want fun go to www. you'll like!


kiss Liane

quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

inglês para todos: 1º FORUM

inglês para todos: 1º FORUM: "Assista o vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Hc1kFvUTT4 Comente... Do you wake up in bad mood? What inspires you? TODOS DEVEM PARTIC..."

2 de JULHO - Independency day of Bahia

Movement started in 1821 and outcome in 2 de Julho de 1823, motived by the feeling FEDERALIST emancipatory of his people, ended by the insertion of national unity in the province during the War of Independence of Brazil.
The struggle for independence in Bahia of Brazil come before of the Brazil and was achieved one year after the September 7, at a cost of thousands of lives and heated battles for land and sea.
Folklore: The CABOCLO
The element had an important role in indigenous struggles. Identified as a true Brazilian, the owner of the land, which will add their efforts to other fighters.
Bahia earned him honor in 1896 rise up a monument in the Bahia capital, on 2 DE JULHO SQUARE. On this day there is beautiful civic party with civic military parade and colleges.
Maria Helena

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011

São Pedro, o Fundador da Igreja Católica

29 de Junho Dia de São Pedro, o Fundador da Igreja Católica

São Pedro, o Apóstolo e o pescador do lago de Genezareth, cativa seus devotos pela história pessoal. Homem de origem humilde, ele foi Apóstolo de Cristo e depois encarregado de fundar a Igreja Católica, tendo sido seu primeiro Papa.

Considerado o protetor das viúvas e dos pescadores, São Pedro é festejado no dia 29 de junho, com a realização de grandes procissões marítimas em várias cidades do Brasil. Em terra, os fogos e o pau-de-sebo são as principais atrações de sua festa.

Depois de sua morte, São Pedro, segundo a tradição católica, foi nomeado chaveiro do céu. Assim, para entrar no paraíso, é necessário que o santo abra suas portas. Também lhe é atribuída a responsabilidade de fazer chover. Quando começa a trovejar, e as crianças choram com medo, é costume acalmá-las, dizendo: "É a barriga de São Pedro que está roncando" ou "ele está mudando os móveis de lugar".

No dia de São Pedro, todos os que receberam seu nome devem acender fogueiras na porta de suas casas. Além disso, se alguém amarrar uma fita no braço de alguém chamado Pedro, ele tem a obrigação de dar um presente ou pagar uma bebida àquele que o amarrou, em homenagem ao santo.

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011


To smile with the life you must believe you can change people starting with you.
very clever advertising that associates the brand with happiness Brastemp, showing that we can share with others our moments of pleasure.

Liane Santiago

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011


De acordo com o e-mail que recebemos da coordenação do curso, amanhã dia 22 não haverá aula. Retornaremos no dia 29.
Have a nice holiday!!!

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011


Assista o vídeo:
Comente... Do you wake up in bad mood?
What inspires you?

sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011

Suggestion to São João

Which city to go in Sao Joao?



For classmates who are failing to post on Blog: when requested the password on the screen, unmark the option "continue connected".

Jaff and me had this problem!

Good weekend for all

Marcus Vinicius.

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011

Hold my hand - Akon and Michael Jackson


The meanings and origins of over 1,600 English sayings, phrases, idioms and expressions.

Hi Class and Teacher Alaya,

Follow link to a website very interesting about English sayings, phrases, idioms and expressions:

Some sayings are very similar to the Portuguese:

Better late than never. (Antes tarde do que nunca)
See the link below the meaning and the origin in English:

A picture is worth a thousand words (Uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras).
See the link below the meaning and the origin in English:

Until soon,

Marcus Vinicius.

The journey from street vendor to savvy investor to China's top art collector.

China's billionaires: Liu Yiqian, China's biggest art collector

Liu Yiqian was born into an ordinary working class family in Shanghai and from a young age proved himself a savvy investor

From the younger generation of super-rich, Liu Yiqian is China's biggest art collector.

Chinese media have dubbed him "the eccentric Mr Liu" because he wears T-shirts to work and shaves only occasionally, but his investment style suggests he is highly savvy.

One in a billion

Over the next weeks we will profile six of China's richest entrepreneurs, and report how they fit into the country's society.

As my crew fussed around his office preparing for the interview, Liu appeared unfazed, intently studying a huge screen of stock prices, a cigarette in one hand, and a mug of tea by his side.

Born in 1963 into an ordinary working class family in Shanghai, Liu left school at 14 to help his mother with her handbag business.

Initially, he made the bags which she sold from a stand on the street. But Liu worked out a way of making the bags cheaper than the other street vendors. By undercutting them he outsold them.

It was the beginning of the 1980s, and the earliest roots of China's move to capitalism were being put in place. Small but significant fortunes were being made.

At the time there was a phrase in Shanghai: "becoming a 10,000 yuan person." The average wage was 300 yuan per year at that time and the people earning 10,000 in Shanghai were all street traders like Liu.

He became a 10,000 yuan person aged 17. But although his fortune was on the rise, he and his family were still living hand to mouth.

Stock trading

Liu's big break came when he was 27, and his on-the-job schooling finally proved useful. He was visiting the Shenzhen economic zone to buy materials for bags when he met a former classmate, who told him about a new thing called stock trading.

He bought his first holding in a company that operated very near his bag stall, so he knew all about them.

Liu YiqianLiu Yiqian and wife Wang Wei plan to display their collection at a purpose-built museum in Shanghai

The shares cost 100 yuan and within a year their value increased to 10,000 yuan. He eventually sold his stake for more than two million yuan.

His wealth is based on that one transaction. Liu invested the profit in companies across a wide range of industries, all of which grew sharply. His holdings still are very diversified.

Art collecting

Liu's art collecting is done in conjunction with his wife, Wang Wei. She acts as curator and concentrates on Chinese art.

When 60 of their Chinese paintings and calligraphy works dating back to the Song dynasty were shown at Beijing's Poly Art Museum in December 2010, they were insured for a reported ten billion yuan (£0.94bn; $1.5bn).

Highlights of the collection included two Song Dynasty (960-1279) pieces and another five from the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).

There was an ancient brush painting featuring rare birds, believed to be the only existing hand-drawn painting by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty.

During the Cultural Revolution many ancient Chinese artworks were destroyed, making the remaining ones exceedingly rare and valuable.

In October 2010, Mr Liu paid about $11m for a Qing Dynasty imperial throne with carved dragons at Sotheby's Hong Kong.

Liu and his wife plan to build their own museum in Shanghai, a massive venue to display their complete collection.

segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011

The Alphabet Song


Following the posting of the alphabet song.

I see you in Wednesday,

Marcus Vinicius.

Michelle: Tom, do you remember the alphabet song?
Tom: Of course I do.
Tom: A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S, T, U, V,
W, X, Y, and Z
Now I know my ABCs next time won’t you sing with me?

sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

Valentine's Day

Hi Alaya

For Valentine's day, I suggest to everyone to hear : Bee Gees - Wish you were here
love ís beautiful!

It is very easy!

Hi Alaya,

I could finally open the blog, after trying several times. I am read now!


quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011


Hello! class.

If you like at fun films. It's perfect.

A interesting and curious history.

Jose Ferraz

quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011

Free public service to teach children to read with phonics.

Hi, Good morning,

I was browsing in the internet when I found a website very interesting about Learning English for children. Can be used for adults also. (xD!)

Nice day for all,

Marcus Vinicius.

PS: I liked the animation of the Calendar. Is very good!

About the site:
Starfall.com opened in September of 2002 as a free public service to teach children to read with phonics. Our systematic phonics approach, in conjunction with phonemic awareness practice, is
perfect for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, special education, homeschool, and English language development.

Read more: http://www.starfall.com/

Link: http://www.starfall.com/n/holiday/calendar/load.htm?f&n=main

terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011

First message



Finally, in blog!

Hi teacher
Hi guys!
Now, I'm in ourEnglish blog. I'm happy for this.

Alaya, você passou alguma atividade para fazermos em casa? Não tô lembrada...
Amanhã estaremos na aula. Bjos a todos! Lília

Try message

Hi Alaya, this a try message. Thank you.

quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011


Sei que estamos em período de adaptação quanto ao blog. Ainda faltam algumas pessoas aceitarem o convite. Se ainda não recebeu me avise. Lembre-se de estar sempre em contato com a língua. O processo de aprendizagem não apresenta resultados se vocês acharem que só vão aprender nas quartas pelas tardes. Tudo é válido: livros, revistas, filmes, seriados... Anotem suas dúvidas. Contem sempre com minha ajuda. APRENDER INGLÊS DEPENDE DE VOCÊ.


Thanks for the invitation to attend teacher's blog.


quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011


Why the original title of the film "Palavras de Amor" is "Bee Season"


In the site of the Wikipedia I found the explanation below, however in the official site of the National Spelling Bee you can see a more detailed explanation.
Good day for all,

Marcus Vinicius.

Bee Season is a 2005 American drama film adaptation of the 2000 novel of the same name by Myla Goldberg. It follows a young girl as she attempts to win the National Spelling Bee, and the repercussions of her success on the other members of her family.
The Scripps National Spelling Bee (formerly the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee and commonly called the National Spelling Bee) is a highly competitive annual spelling bee in the United States.

An insect bee is featured prominently on the logo of the Scripps National
Spelling Bee, despite the word "bee" being completely unrelated to the name of
the insect. The origin of the word "bee" as used in "spelling bee" is unclear.
"Bee" refers to "a gathering", where people join together in an activity, and
the origin of this sense of "bee" is related to the word "been".

Origin of the information:
Bee Season (Film) - Official Site:

Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee – Official Site:
Origin of the Term Spelling Bee

From Wikipedia:
About National Spelling Bee:
About Bee Season (Book):