In the site of the Wikipedia I found the explanation below, however in the official site of the National Spelling Bee you can see a more detailed explanation.
Good day for all,
Marcus Vinicius.
Bee Season is a 2005 American drama film adaptation of the 2000 novel of the same name by Myla Goldberg. It follows a young girl as she attempts to win the National Spelling Bee, and the repercussions of her success on the other memb

The Scripps National Spelling Bee (formerly the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee and commonly called the National Spelling Bee) is a highly competitive annual spelling bee in the United States.
An insect bee is featured prominently on the logo of the Scripps National
Spelling Bee, despite the word "bee" being completely unrelated to the name of
the insect. The origin of the word "bee" as used in "spelling bee" is unclear.
"Bee" refers to "a gathering", where people join together in an activity, and
the origin of this sense of "bee" is related to the word "been".
Origin of the information:
Bee Season (Film) - Official Site:
Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee – Official Site:
Origin of the Term Spelling Bee
From Wikipedia:
About National Spelling Bee:
About Bee Season (Book):
Pessoal segue um pequeno vocabulário para ajudar a entender o texto.
featured prominently = Figura apresentada de forma destacada - se referindo à abelha no logotipo.
unclear = not clear, vague, obscure (algo que não esta claro ou evidente).
gathering = assembly, meeting, convention assembleia, reunião, encontro).
been = past participle of the verb "to be" (particípio do verdo "to be").