You are looking for what to do in company of children? If your answer is YES, your search ends now! Just visit the website Pequenópolis .
After decribri this website, I always have a place to go with my daughter.
Good weekend,
Marcus Vinicius

Commented blog with tips about culture and entertainment options for children that live in Salvador (Bahia, Brazil)
You can register on the website to receive a weekly email with the entertainment list.
Author: Mariana Carneiro
The following other sites:

Yellow cow [Vaca Amarela]
This website has the objective of adapting the form and language for the infantile public so that they understand the conflict and facts published in the "newspapers of adults".
Children playing [Brincantes]
Updated blog on Tuesdays [terças], Thursdays [quintas] and Saturdays [sábados].
Adoro o Pequenopolis estou sempre antenada com a programação deles. Boa dica!!!!