"Why men do not understand that women cannot be like them? Why do women want men to behave the same way as them?" Men and women are different. Not better or worse – just different! You believe that?
Marcus Vinicius
Reference Bibliographic:
PEASE, Allan. Why men don't listen & women can't read maps, first edition, Ed. Pease International Pty Ltd, Great Britain, 2001
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“These lighthearted illustrations of the male and female brain are funny only because they contain such an element of truth. But how much? […]”
“Men and women have evolved differently because they had to. Men hunted, women gathered. Men protected, women nurtured. As a result, their bodies and brains evolved in completely different ways.”
Follows a little help with the translation of some terms:
ResponderExcluirFor the male Brian:
Ability to find things in fridges and cupboards = Capacidade de encontrar coisas em refrigeradores e armários.
Dangerous / foolish pursuits = Atividades perigosas e idiotas.
Hearing children in the middle of the night neurone = Neurônio para ouvir choro de criança no meio da noite.
Crotch scratching nerves.= Nervo de coçar o saco.
Asking for directions micron = Micron de pedir informações.
Toilet aiming cell = Célula para encontrar o caminho do banheiro.
Lame excuse gland = Glândula de desculpas esfarrapadas.
Avoid personal questions segment = Segmento de fuga a perguntas de cunho pessoal.
For the female Brian:
Lie detector gland = Glândula detectora de mentiras.
Continually put toilet seat down nerve = Nervo de sempre deixar abaixado o tampo do vaso.
After marriage sex mícron = Micron de sexo depois do casamento.
Juicy gossip switch = Chave de fofocas quentes.
Shopping spree cell = Célula do consumismo desenfreado.
Jealousy nerve centre = Centro nervoso do ciúme.
Indecision nucleus = Núcleo da indecisão.
Listening skills – Habilidade de ouvir.
I know men and women are totally different but sometimes it's very difficult to accept these differences. But we should think before fighting with your partner.